You have probably heard on the news about the crisis that is going on in Sri Lanka. The country now struggles with its worst financial crisis in more than 70 years. Although in previous years the economy was growing, currently it sustains a high debt and inflation level, suspending its foreign debt repayments since April 2022. The island nation has been unable to pay for fuel shipments because of a foreign exchange shortage. There is a shortage of petrol everywhere and power cuts daily, which can go up to 13h a day.
Whilst Steve and I were there, the struggles people are facing were notorious. But can you imagine not having power for over 13h a day? Queuing 6h in line to fuel your car? What about those who own a small business where they need power? What about the kids at school? What about the poor in the slums?
Well, you guessed it right – they are struggling! They are upset and desperate.
A train of events has followed from us taking a little of our time to provide for the Sri Lankan people. After our stay in Sri Lanka, Steve and I felt led to give financially to help carry out the work that was started whilst we were there.
We are truly amazed to see what God is doing there! The brothers and sisters are fired up ?? With a small contribution, new books have been given to the children and food is being distributed to the poor in the slums.

If you have read our post regarding our Honeymoon in Sri Lanka, we mentioned this guy that had repented and given us all his drugs. He wanted to be a better father to his daughter. Unfortunately, his environment had a negative influence on him and he had a relapse. We offered to support him to go to rehab and although he did make it to the rehab centre, he later fled into the jungle and is now back in the slums. We wish him well and will continue to pray for him and support his wife and daughter to the best of our ability. We will keep you guys updated!

We want to continue to support the community in Sri Lanka in different ways and would like to encourage you to also contribute to this cause by clicking here.
Lieve schatten, wat doen jullie toch prachtig werk in de naam van God! Als jullie donaties nodig hebben, laat het me weten, dan zet ik een actie hier op voor jullie!
Kusjes van Goodje!
Dankjewel Goodje! Kijk ook eens naar onze Project pagina ( Daar proberen we een geld in te zamelen om meer mensen te helpen in deze sloppenwijk.